Ability Hub is a group of Protected Units with activities in the Social Economy area
Additional information for Candidates +4 0724 448 266
Additional information for Companies +4 0738 168 233

Redirect 2% to Ability Hub

How can we help?

By completing the form 230 you redirect the distribution of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the income tax.

Form 230 is a method by which anyone can redirect up to 3.5% of their annual tax or for a period of up to two years to an NGO. This means that that amount will no longer reach your state budget but will be directed to the NGO’s account.

The distribution of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the income tax due can be requested by application for the same beneficiaries for a period of up to 2 years and could be renewed after the expiration of that period.

Why is this important?

It is important because it is your right to decide how this money can be used and it gives you the opportunity to support a recurring cause you believe in. NGOs rely on community support and need you to continue your work.

To get an idea of ​​your contribution, think that the amount you give does not exceed 20-30 lei at a minimum wage in the economy. The calculation is simple: identify the amount of income tax on the salary slip, multiply it by 12, and then find out how much it represents 3.5%.

How do we do it?

The form is completed and submitted by individuals who make the following income in Romania:

  • income from salaries and assimilated to salaries;
  • pension income;
  • income from independent activities / agricultural activities, imposed on the basis of income norm;
  • income from independent activities based on sports contracts, for which the tax is withheld at source;
  • income from intellectual property rights other than for which net income is determined in real terms;
  • income from the transfer of the use of the goods, for which the net income is determined on the basis of flat rates of expenditure or on the basis of income rules.

! You cannot redirect if you have been on childcare leave in the previous year, or if you have received a non-taxable pension.

Fill out the form in two copies:
– the original shall be submitted, as appropriate, to:

a) the fiscal body in whose territorial area the taxpayer has the address where he has his domicile, according to the law, physically, without fiscal domicile in Romania.

b) if you want us to submit it, scan and send the completed form by email to: ana.peiu@abilityhub.ro
– the copy is kept by the taxpayer or by his proxy.

The form is filled in by the taxpayers or by their proxies, according to the provisions of Law no. 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code, with subsequent amendments and completions, entering correctly, completely and in good faith the information provided by the form.

Individuals who opt for the allocation of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the annual tax for the support of several non-profit entities / cult units, as well as for the granting of private scholarships, duly fill in the form “Annex to the Application for the destination of the amount representing up to at 3.5% of the annual tax due ”.

In this case, fill in the boxes provided in form 230 accordingly, with the number of annexes completed and submitted with it.

The application shall be submitted together with the completed annexes, if applicable, in paper format, directly at the registry of the fiscal body or by post, with acknowledgment of receipt.

The form “Annex to the Application regarding the destination of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the annual tax due” is submitted only with form 230.
The box “Option regarding the distribution of the amount for a period of 2 years” – is ticked if the taxpayer requests by application the distribution of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the income tax due for the same beneficiary for a period of 2 years. The application can be renewed after the expiration of the 2-year period.

If you do not know the amount that can be transferred, the “Amount” box will not be filled in, in which case the tax authority will calculate and transfer the allowed amount to you, according to the law.

Where to redirect?

We suggest you turn your attention to the Ability Hub Association.
The association promotes the professional activity of people with disabilities, developing its own system of identification, evaluation, counseling and their integration into the labor market.

Our colleagues help these people to develop throughout the labor market integration process. After their integration into the labor market, we remain in close contact with them in order to be able to help and guide them further.

A disability does not disappear overnight, and a person with disabilities gains independence with ambition, but especially with special help and attention.

Thus, our mission is to promote human dignity and social cohesion, starting from the premise that all individuals should be able to freely choose the direction of personal and professional life, to develop their talents and abilities to the fullest.

The Ability Hub Association aims to become a national leader in evaluating, training and guiding all people who are affected by the effects of discrimination on the labor market in Romania.

The founders of the group, as well as its staff, have multiple expertise, generating value both in institutional relations, in civil society, but mainly in relations with large employers.

People with disabilities who work in the group’s Protected Units develop services and products made to a high technical and professional standard.

Results we invite you to support:

• 400 people with active disabilities: recruited, placed, currently with active contracts;
• 3,000 people counseled nationwide, of whom 370 are looking for a job;
• Over 11 years of experience in the social field, especially in placing on the labor market and adapting jobs for people with disabilities;
• 3 training programs developed for conflict management and improving cooperation and collaboration relations for all employees;
• 1 Functional system for identification, counseling, recruitment, placement, mediation and adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities, integrable;
• Teams made up of 90% of people with disabilities.

You can download Form 230 in PDF format using the following link, or from the menu on the right.

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